Sunday, October 21, 2012


Almost 4 years ago, we realised that something was not right with our oldest son, then our only son, who was just over a year old. He was sleeping more and more, had dark under-eye circles, open sores in his diaper area, an increasingly bad attitude, had stopped reaching verbal milestones, and had dropped from the 95th percentile to the 13th. We discovered that he has Celiac disease, and by keeping him on a gluten-free diet his symptoms reversed and today he is a (generally) happy, healthy, intelligent young boy. When his brother came along we kept a close eye and discovered, to our dismay, that whenever I ate wheat and nursed him that he developed symptoms as well, so he also has been on a gluten-free diet 99% of his life (he has had the occasional accidental gluten item, and paid the price.) Now, it seems that something else just is. not. right. This little guy has chronic diarrhea, and while he is very bright and very strong, he seems clumsier than ever, and his attitude is chaotic, to put it mildly. He has dark circles under his eyes and that slightly peaked appearance his older brother developed, and when he gets sick, which is frequently, he stays ill for weeks rather than the 3-4 days the rest of us suffer. Other than keeping him off of gluten, I have not been sure what else to do. I came across the SCD diet a year or so after learning about Celiac. Starting tomorrow I am going to implement it with him and keep careful record of how it goes. Already he has improved a bit by the addition of cod liver oil and butter/coconut oil to his diet, but his symptoms have only lessened slightly and something needs to change. So tonight I'm cooking up a batch of soup for him and tomorrow morning is Day 1. With pictures! We'll take this one week at a time; the major selling point for this diet has been that it is a gradual reintroduction to food and not a permanent diet; I do not have the heart to entirely deprive him of the joy of fresh-baked bread, especially now that we have such a fantastic GF version. Looking forward to tomorrow and a new (again) adjustment to the way we use and understand our food.